Tuesday, August 7, 2012

#220/366--Painting With a Twist...

...Twisting on Monet's Lilies...
...start with a blank canvas...

...add some blue...

 ...add a mixture of other colors...

 ...add some other colors...

 ...take a minute and look at your work...

 ...smile and think how wonderful it looks...

 ...add your lily pads and lilies...

...smile because you are a superior artist...

 ...add some more lilies...

...add the branches...

...voila!  You have your very own work of art!
...and you've just spent a wonderful evening...
...with friends...
...creating art...
...and loving...
Thanks, girls!

1 comment:

  1. You are SO good with words. Made me laugh out loud. That was so much fun. Probably my favorite time yet. Can't wait to do it again! Love you dear one. Happy Birthday! (Sorry it's so stinking late....)
