Friday, October 19, 2012

#293/366--Not Your Average...

...second grade teacher...

We took our field trip today.
To "Green Meadows...something or other
I confess I was high anxiety at first.
This place is a "free-for-all"
I admit...
I'm a closet 
control freak.
It was a gorgeous day.
And I have the best...
No.  You do not understand.
Room Mom
you recognize her.
It's my BFF, Sarah.
How do you think
we became Besties
in the first place??
This mama
brings me coffee
when I least expect it
need it most...
...grades my spelling tests...
...cuts out lots of stuff...
...volunteers for hairspray booths...
...sets up for parties...
...and knows I have a fear of giant...

...hay-centered arachnids.
I was thankful that she, along with
SIX other parents
went along on this field trip...
...which turned out...
Because they are SECOND graders...
NOT kindergartners.
I heart my job.

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