Saturday, October 20, 2012

#294/366--Parenting Exorcism

No one ever tells you
that teenagers 
are very much
like toddlers.

I think
my kids' heads
are about to spin
...and sometimes...
I think mine is.

I am a pretty upbeat person.
I adore my kids.
But lately...
...I don't like them very much...

...and that upsets me...

I feel like an 
epic failure
 as a mom.

I don't relate to them anymore...
...I am not cool...
...I am old...
...I am embarrassing...
...I don't get it...
So my usual,
upbeat, encouraging
has turned into

I know that isn't healthy.
I also know it isn't realistic.
And most days
I'm just being 
a drama queen

But some days....
it's a downward spiral.
Scary, even.
I miss the days
I was able to connect
with both kids
at the same time.

Now, they live in separate worlds...
...worlds apart...
...from me...

In order to reconnect
I suggested
a visit to
a Haunted House
in the spirit
of Halloween.

(aside:  I am not a fan of horror.)

At first, they seemed excited.
Then, neither of them wanted to go.
Then, one of them did and the other didn't...
One ended up growling at me
and then the other
(sometimes they are like a tag-team)
But as it got darker
and the time to head to the HH
 drew closer
it seemed we were all
on board... off we went...

...and it was a blast...
...they loved it... was awesome...
...we screamed the entire time...
(no pictures allowed)
...we came out laughing... adrenaline boost...

...until tomorrow night...
...when our heads 
are spinning

...the family that screams together...
...stays together...

1 comment:

  1. haha, you make me really look forward to the future! ;) Glad y'all had fun and came out alive!
