Saturday, November 3, 2012

#308/366--Thankful, Day 3

...for the little things...
...such as...
...premade sugar cookies... mixing...
...just put on the Pampered Chef stone...
...and bake...
...and also...
...this variety of little things...
...a pony-tail holder & headband...
...for those days...
...when you don't feel like fixing your hair...
...for those days...
...when it's gorgeously sunny... solution and case...
...(and glasses)...
...for those days...
...when you put your contacts in...
...and it takes you all day... figure out...
...that's what's been bothering your eyes...
...and also...
...good music...
...for those days...
....well... is good for any day... just speaks to your soul...
...whether you are feeling down...
...or jamming out... speaks what you feel...
..when you aren't sure... to put it into...
...and also...

...cute Disney Movies...
...more to the point...
...that my teenagers...
...will still go with me... see kiddie movies...
...maybe that means...
...that they do still love me...
...and for that...