Monday, December 24, 2012


...out of sequence on my title numbers?
Michael turned 13 today.
Although I've been 
calling him a teenager for awhile
he officially became one
He was such a good sport.
I woke him up with a gift
...we had visitors for breakfast...
(breakfast tacos)

...and a few more gifts...

...then we delivered...
some gifts 

Afterward, he was able to play a little xbox
open an early Christmas present
with Lauren...
(new PJs)
...that we all wore...
...on our field trip... look at...
Christmas Lights
...using this scavenger hunt...
...that I found on Pinterest...
(of course)
1) Christmas Train:

 2) A Snowman

 3) A Reindeer with a Red Nose

 4) A Snow Globe

5) Mickey Mouse

6) Charlie Brown
(we did see this but Lauren got the pic,
not me)

7) Icicles

8) Dancing Lights &
9) Lights set to Music

 10) Multicolored Lights

11) Blue Lights

 12) Red Lights

 13) White Lights
(same house--really cool)

14) The Grinch (this one is blurry)

15) A Penguin

16) Nativity Scene

17) A Candy Cane

18) A Snowflake

19) A Christmas Tree in a Window

...and to make it a nice even number...
20) Santa wearing Camo 
(reminded us of Duck Dynasty) yes...
My SweetBoy Mikey
was a good sport.
I took him away 
from xbox
and forced him into
more FFT
(forced family time-see previous post)
...but we had fun...
..I think..
...unless they were just pacifying me...
...which would be perfectly fine with me...

Happy Birthday, SweetTeen...
This year...
...there were no Legos... Nerf guns... bows and arrows... Hot Wheels... video games... Star Wars figures... Batman... were really hard to buy for...
...and it makes me both sad...
...and proud...
to watch
growing up--
Which you are doing quickly
very respectfully.
I'm glad to be your mom...
The Cool Mom


  1. A very happy birthday to Michael (so wanna say Mikey). Sounds like a great day! And, I really want a breakfast taco! :) Now, back to praying for your home...

  2. What a beautiful day!! Next year can I join you on the scavenger hunt? That was like, totally awesome! Also, your words brought tears to my eyes at the end. You have such a way with words, Janelle. Truly beautiful.

  3. Oh! And P.S. Happy Birthday Mikey!!
    And P.P.S. How totally cool that you embedded a video?
