Thursday, December 31, 2020

Some Checks off of the List

I find it lucky that my birthday comes in July.  It makes the new year a great time to reassess my goals and take a look at how far I've come on my 50th journey around the sun. 

My 50 Before 50 list, accomplishments checked off:  

Reading is my favorite hobby.  I usually set a goal to read 52 books a year, but I wanted to challenge myself to 50 more books, adding to my #50Before50.  This year, in books:

There were several that I could count as favorites this year. I started to recommend some, but I couldn't narrow it down enough for this blog post.  I'm usually a "fiction" girl, but I like to read from multiple genres (as you can see below).

Another of my favorite things is wine.  I usually stick to the same red every time I drink.  However, I thought it might be fun to try some different vineyards, years, labels, and types of vino.  I'm not quite at "50 different wines"
Here's what I've tried so far.  My favorite has been "Tall, Dark Stranger!"  It has a rich, full flavor--I'm not really a wine connoisseur, so wine descriptions are very amateur.

Education and furthering myself is important to me.  It is my belief that one should never stop learning. I decided to refresh my knowledge of Spanish, which I took in high school, but let's be real.  It was high school.  I also got signed up for Master Classes by one of my good friends.  Thus far, I've taken a writing class taught by Margaret Atwood and started a poetry class led by Billy Collins.

There are (as you can see) a lot of things on my list that I've checked off, yet not included my post...and many more still to be completed. One last thing to include here...I made a last minute list of 50+ Holiday/Christmas movies to watch this past season.  I know there are so many more, but here's what I completed:

Here's to a new year
with new and continued goals!


  1. Love this!! Especially the books. Are all your books online, on an app? What app?

    1. Thank you, Allie! I use Goodreads to keep up with the books I read. :)

  2. Janelle Franco. If you don’t add “Publish a book of poetry “ to your list, it will be on my list to make sure YOU do this. You are such an emotive, heart-connecting, communicative, connecting author. DO it. DO IT NOW!

    1. Aw, Thanks, T! It is on my list,’s a risky venture!! That’s putting myself out there in a more broad sense which is scary!! But it is a life dream to publish a book...❤️
