Monday, February 25, 2013

#55.5/365--Headache, Part 2

Happy Month-i-versary!
Two months later
(left: 12/25; right: 2/25)
...not much has changed...

As you know,
we are in an 
apartment now...
...and I've been...
...requesting items... we need them...
...from the...
Restoration Facility
My most recent request was:

heating pad
(Mikey's back...and now...mine)

coffee mugs
(the ones they provided me with are teacups...tiny)

my vacuum cleaner

iHome docking clock
(my family is sharing a charging cord)

kindle e-reader

(because I want to finish the book
 I was reading when the fire occured)



...just wanting things to be...
...more like home...

Today, on the
they delivered...

...which contained...

...oh and also...
(mine is the one on the right...
...I'm spoiled, ok??)
also, some coffee mugs
plastic cups
of those 31 boxes...
were full of

I went through every box tonight
...and ended up with...

Four boxes full of books
for Half-Price Books

Two boxes of 
to donate

Two boxes of
children's books
for my classroom

I am still missing
the book
I was reading
...the night of the fire...

I have a closet-full
of... guessed it...
We love to read, ok?

1 comment:

  1. I love that in this bad situation you are getting some good. Clearing out unneeded/unwanted a little at a time? Sounds great! Hope to see some progress on the house soon...that is shocking and terrible!!!
