Friday, August 23, 2013

#234/365--Meet the Plumber

It was
"Meet the Teacher Night"
at school.
Everything was in place

...there was a terrific turn out...
((looks like it will be
another fun year
in second grade!))

I came home to
water in my garage


I stood there for
...a few minutes...
assessing the situation.
I heard water dripping
I inquired
(yes, ever so calmly)
as to if
the children were showering.
Went upstairs to see
...the bathtub not draining...
I went to get Drano.

(I don't want to explain my thinking here..
.just go with me, ok??)

An hour after Drano
back -- and -- forth
with some friends


noticing my toilets weren't flushing


hearing what sounded like
-- rain --
in my walls
 water STILL in BOTH tubs
I was advised
to shut the water off
We ended up at a hotel.
...and today...
I'll meet 
the Plumber.

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